Oakleaf Orb Weaver

After yesterdays rain it gradually cleared in St Gervais it became a nice enough evening to sit outside the Brasserie until gone eleven shooting the breeze with another UK leader.
Today was great right from opening the curtains - which admittedly was a fair bit later than recently. It was great to be able to sit on the balcony - not so great was wading through the 400+ emails I received in the last 12 days - many relating to the BMC's very poorly implemented name change & just as many asking questions regarding Sport Climbing officially becoming an Olympic Sport in 2020.
When I finally couldn't take anymore I went out for a wander and some light retail therapy (new sunglasses - lesson to self - don't practice eskimo rolls in your favourite pair). on the hill near Bionassay I paused ti admire some flowers - and found this huge lady, they grow to 18mm and I'd say she was all of that;

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