Pictures & Woodwork.

By PeterB

Banksia Nut Candlestick....

... or will be very soon.
    As you can see I have finished 'turning' the c/stick and the final shape is as you see it now. I still have a little more to do yet which involves drilling a 'blind' hole in the top so I can put an insert in which holds the candle.
    You will see it is currently standing on a 'stub' which I am leaving on for the moment so I can secure the c/stick securely whilst I drill the insert hole.
    When I have done this, I will cut that stub off or may in fact leave it on and make a larger round base for it to be put into thus making the c/stick much more stable.
More to follow but will be the finished c/stick.

Hope you are all having a nice weekend.
Take care.

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