
By LuceoNonUro


One of the signs on the wall of Mugdock Castle which is in Mugdock Country Park; which is in errr Mugdock (?).

(Obviously I'm not exactly sure where the park is situated, so I'm resorting to lateral thinking)

We spent a couple of hours there - Felix was horrified upon realising it was actually a big park walk we were going on, rather than hisidea of what a park should be.
We shouldn't have been surprised about the disappointed attitude. I recall my parents taking us to London's Hyde Park around that age and feeling very cheated indeed. How dare they call it a Park?, I thought incredulously. So I could empathise.

So, we just took pictures and let him get on with it (meaning; dawdling, asking impossible questions and showing general bewilderment that anyone could think this fun).

His redemption came at the end of the route where he got to spend time in a 'proper' park. He does usually really like going for walks and stuff but we made the fatal error of not explaining that this wasn't a play park but a country park. Lesson learnt.

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