A Tale of Two Cities

Today we had lunch in York, and afternoon drinks in Leeds!

Alan and I have fond memories of York, so wanted to go back as it's been a long time.  We went to the Minster (the Cathedral) and there was a wedding party having their photos taken at the front of it - you can't be shy to have your wedding there with lots of tourists taking your photo too!   They had two handsome black horses and a lovely carriage - see my extra.

We had lunch in the sun before strolling down The Shambles and then went back to the car and drove to Leeds.  That was a first for us,  and I wanted to go as there's a shop that Karen goes to, that sells very good 'fake' designer jewellery.  I was hoping for a bit of Chanel, but ended up with Van Cleef earrings and necklace.

Then we went to the Victorian Quarter which is made up of a few arcades which were built in 1900.  The glass domed ceilings and mosaics are beautiful.  Here you can see Karen & Andy leading the way.

When we got back home, Karen & Andy went to pick up their boys Reuben & Simeon who have been at Karen's mum's and then we spent the evening in the garden.  When it started to get dark, we retired to their Cabana in a far corner of the garden where they have a fire pit and sofas surrounded by Bamboo trees - it felt like we were in the jungle.  I've put some photos of the Cabana and the boys in my extras too.

It's been a lovely weekend with them but we're leaving in the morning to collect Rachel and the girls as they're coming back to Brighton for the week :-). We mustn't forget to pick up Dexter too!

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