
By Sevan

Left Hand Right Hand KANGAROO!

Managed to get to a piano room again today. Turns out its best to go later on in the day, around 5pm, when it's less busy. There only seem to be two pianos that are free. One has no working pedal, and the other has working pedals, but a few of the keys are broken. All it means is that you need to carefully consider which pieces you want to play before you pick a piano. Technical vs. Romantic.

It's great to go with someone who knows how to play / sight read ridiculously well. One plays the left hand and the other the right hand: between the two of us we can sight read most pieces.

Then, cycling home at about 10:30pm...KANGAROOS! I actually tend to see them quite often. The fact that I pretty much live on a nature park probably has something to do with it. I've heard they can be aggressive, so I didn't want to get too close. All I could do was turn my flash on then point and click at the darkness. This was the terrifying result.

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