I can fly....

Well almost - certainly 3 feet (or should that be paws to avoid confusion) off the ground! second walk of the day after doing.....not a lot! Managed to get the washing done though....very boring! Also finally fixed a section of downpipe which has been floating for at least a year or more.
The extras are of a large rock that is exposed in the bank into which there are various carvings - no doubt of undying love between youngsters judging by the initials and a new toy that my barn converting friend would appear to have purchased - a hopper fed concrete mixer! This means he can use his mini digger to load it and as there is some 20 ton to mix I'm not surprised he did not want to use a shovel! I believe the plan is to sell it afterwards to recover the majority of the cost......yeah right when do boys ever sell their toys.....? 

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