An afternoon at the beach

This afternoon we went down to Bamaluz Beach.  Bamaluz beach is doggie friendly all the year round, but there's only a beach if the tide is out. The tide was way out this afternoon. Yay!

First I got to splish, splash, splosh in the sea. Then I got to roll around on my back on the sand.  None of the other doggies were doing that and loads of their owners kept saying to Ann,  'I don't envy you having to clean that dog?!!'

I am such a lucky little collie.......................... Ann really doesn't mind how wet and sandy I get. She says as long as I'm happy, that's all that matters.

…..............But apparently me being happy has it's limits???  After my splish, splash, sploshing and rolling around on my back............................ I decided to go scavenging. Loads of people seemed to have had pizza & pasties for lunch because there were loads of empty boxes and bags around. I decided to go on a little trek around the beach to see how many picnics I could finish off???

I found loads of unfinished pizzas and pasties. Pizzas & pasties are very scrummy, yummy!

Nobody minded that I was finishing off their unwanted food – except Ann. She had to move from her 'sunbathing mode' to capture me. And then I got put on my lead and I had to stay tethered to her foot for the rest of our beach stay.

But do you know what?.................... As far as we could see, I was the only dog on the beach that had water. Ann had brought me my own little travel water bowl and a huge bottle of water because everyone knows that drinking sea water is not very nice.

Loads of doggies came and had a drink out of my travel bowl. Ann had to fill it up three times!

…............And I was a very generous little collie and didn't make a fuss when lots of other dogs wanted to share my water. Ann was very, very proud of me for behaving so well. Though she did have a bit of a rant at other doggie owners who had been there all day without any water for their furry friends!

I've had a lovely afternoon at the beach. Tired now.

And the sun still shines on and on.  Ann's off out to sit on her wine drinking chair – with wine obviously!!!

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