
By Fisherking

........Glory Days.............

Hope you've spotted my "Day" song titles.

Terrible night last night..............didn't get to sleep until 4.00.............or maybe I micro bursts...........I know I went up at 11.00.......watched some Olympics......and turned tv off at 00.35 turned tv back on.............and off again 30 minutes later............and it went on like that ........every 30 minutes of so I sat up and turned tv back on...........and then settled down 30 minutes later. Wasn't aware of falling asleep at any time............just tossing and turning.

The artificial grass has been laid...........I've lost about a foot in width....but as another roll would have cost several hundred pounds..........and about 80% would have been wasted..........I'll take the loss.

We decided to keep the stump of the Cherry tree............and stand an ornament on the moment the Owl is there........but I'm not sure that's the right choice for beside the bird feeder..............neither is the it's either the Frog or the Dragon. What do you think?

The borders have all had the top shaved off................and most of the membrane has been laid............another roll will finish that tomorrow.

The several tons of purple shale will be spread tomorrow.............and several slabs will be strategically placed.................pots will be put on the slabs.............and we might be finished a day early! then we'll have Autumn.............and Winter..............and then next Spring and Summer we'll see what it all looks like.

The Daughter called for a brief did the S & H and family.......thumbs up all round. The DiL and Charlie are off to that there London tomorrow.............a visit to the National History Museum with Aunty Rhian.

In other news........United beat Leicester 2-1 to win the Community Shield...........first trophy of the season.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

The extra photo is of the preparation for laying the Astroturf.

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