The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Sir Christopher Lee, on TV

Today was a beautiful day, so why not photos?
I got up an hour later than usual, and found it was raining. Meh. Fortunately the weather cleared and I spent the morning sitting at my paperwork while listening to the radio.

Then I had a shower, and the 'clean the showerhead' message came on, so I cleaned it with a toothbrush, then left to soak with a limescale prevention tablet, and cleaned it again.The message is still coming up. That's the worst thing about living in someone else's house, apart from not being able to find the tin foil and the chopping board.

I went down to the village on foot, with all my card supplies, because there wasn't a bus for ages. Got a call to ask me to delay my visit, so I popped into a posh coffee shop. If I hit the money, I will go there for cooked breakfast one day. Mm, I love breakfast!

At the care home in Weston Park, I was given a trolley to display my wares, then my new best friend, the activities co ordinator, and I went from room to room to display my cards and have a chat with some of the residents. I didn't think of it at the time, but I've just remembered being in Gloucester Royal hospital recovering from pneumonia, and the excitement with which the daily arrival of the tuck trolley was greeted.
Obviously it's different for people who have dementia, and chocolate doesn't figure, but I had fun and sold some cards and had lots of conversations. I left a bit lighter, thank goodness, and went home by bus because the hill is very steep! I walked up it the other day with a full bag of shopping, and vowed never to do that again.

Sir Chris Lee comes in because I have discovered Sky Arts and watched a programme about Heavy Metal trailblazers, in which Christopher featured at the end, with his Charlemagne concept album. Clearly this shot is from his horror movie acting period

I am now watching Highlights of the Cambridge Folk Festival. Emily Barker and Applewood Road...last time I saw them, they were in the Prince Albert in Stroud. I am definitely putting Cambridge FF on my bucket list, though the Albert is a lot easier to get to.

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