Early start.

Alarm at 4am...in the car by 4.30 and off on an early road trip up to the Pinnacles Desert with A. After a brief stop for a "bad place" breakfast drive through, we got there in about 2 hours and were in time for sunrise. It's a beautifully amazing yet eerie place in the early morning...all these pieces of rock sticking up from the ground constantly changing due to erosion and blasting from the sand all around them.
Took loads of pics on the big camera and even a bit of video on the ActionCam but just this one on the iPhone.
On the drive back we stopped off at Ledge Point where I met G & J. Flew the power kite on the beach there and then headed home.
Out for lunch with everyone and then a bit more kite flying with the new stunt kite we got for the kids.
Sunday chicken roast for tea and then five crowns to finish off the night. A brilliant day.

That is all.

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