Fixing things

Today has been a day of Fixing Things. I had an appointment this afternoon with a lovely lady coming to buy a couple of posters, so we needed to at least make the entrance hallway passable - which meant moving the new sofa box! Also on the agenda was sorting out the boys' room so that it was inhabitable again.

All things considered, right up until bedtime, it was a pretty good day. Even if Steve and I were tired and grumpy.

Ben's bed was reclaimed, the new downstairs shelves were filled (I have DISPLAY shelves! Like, not just for storage!! We have finally "moved in" hahahhaaa), Charley's bed was brought down from the attic and installed under Ben's bed so they now have a bunkbed arrangement.

My appointment came round and we enjoyed a cup of coffee and a chat, it's always really lovely to put a face to a name! She went away happy with her posters, I felt rested and ready to attack the rest of the afternoon :)

Charley had his first nap in his new bed. Not bad. I think he's at the age where he's just grateful to go to sleep to be honest, he doesn't much mind where it is.

Ben on the other hand is much more picky. More on that later.

Steve fixed the new sofa after my customer had gone, he's fitted two sofas together to form a corner sofa! It's BRILLIANT! Ben loves it, he came in and said WOW!! climbed up over the back and bounced all over it :D That was after he'd cut his finger while helping daddy. He's got a new tool, a real one, a multitool thing. There's no knife blade on it but we have discovered there are nail scissors on it. I only spotted them after noticing red on Ben's finger. Which Ben hadn't spotted. So the tiny scissor blades must be super sharp to have cut his finger without him even noticing. Anyway he didn't cry, and Steve took him to get cleaned up and a plaster put on, and he's been bravely telling us about his cut finger and his plaster all evening. We took a quick walk to tesco (with him dressed in his spiderman costume) and he spent the WHOLE WALK trying to get a coherent sentence out (and failing, but I think I got the gist) explaining what had happened with the scissors. He had realised they were scissors, and apparently (I think) was trying to cut his fingernails but couldn't, and cut his finger instead. Or something like that. Anyway he knows now just how sharp the scissors are, and when the multitool is down and in use he knows not to try and cut his nails with the scissors again!!

Dinner was PIE. It was epic. Stunning in its gorgeousness. Homemade; cheese and onion and carrot and ham. Charley loved it SO MUCH that he overdosed on pie and mash, got overtired (from only having two short naps during the day), screamed and screamed and screamed and threw quite a bit of his dinner up as Steve was changing his nappy ready for bed. Once he was cleaned up he was happy again and didn't actually want to go to bed....

And so the bedtime shenanigans started.

Now, I guess I have learnt (in hindsight) to remember that Ben, as intelligent and clever and insightful as he is, is still an idiot (as in, does not have the benefit of experience or the ability to truly think through consequences) three year old.

He decided that he wanted to sleep on the top bunk, in his bed, and Charley's bed was to be underneath. What he failed to realise was that this meant that I could not lie in bed with both of them at the same time. So there was lots of child swapping between Steve and I, with Ben bringing up quite a few different excuses and reasons as to why he couldn't sleep in his new bed (I think the fear of loneliness was the big underlying reason which I can understand completely - and I don't mind them both being in our bed until Ben is ready to sleep in his own room) until finally Charley fell asleep on his new bed, and Ben fell asleep in his new bed too eventually!! We did wonder when it reached midnight and Ben was STILL in his own room if he'd last the whole night but I think it got to just gone 1am or something and he called out for us. He said he would have climbed down and come and found us except he'd got a plaster on his finger and couldn't. Bless. So we ended up all together anyway. Which was kind of nice.

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