TaTs - dawg & stuff

By tinksandtonks

Oh what a tangled web...

we weave when first we practise to deceive....

late night shot as I went to the bin

downstairs cloakroom now has a fully functioning toilet
It took the lovely plumber almost 2 hours
so yes there was a real problem and no wonder I couldn't fix it!

anyhow following on from Friday's car fiasco - the brake repair is booked in at my little local garage 

and now I shall name & shame - ATS Wolverhampton recharged the air-con and detailed "issues" from their visual check

so brakes aside 
they told me my rear tyres would fail the MOT next month 
if they had had a mechanic last Friday I would have agreed 
& spent oodles of ££££££££s

This morning ATS Bloxwich told me the tyres were fine

Now I'm wondering about whether the brakes do need doing....

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