Never Let A Child Down

I promised Chloe in March that we would see the dinosaurs, just Chloe and I, and today was the day.
After a breakfast bacon sandwich and coffee Chloe and I set off for the Natural History Museum. We arrived just after opening time with virtually no queue. Inside we made our way to the Blue Zone and the dinosaurs. Chloe was a bit wary of the animated T Rex but once she realised it couldn't 'walk' she was fine.
We had a great day, dinosaurs first, then the mammal zone, dinosaurs again then the animal zone, dinosaurs for a third time then lunch.
Today's photo shows Chloe's lunch, and a very fine lunch it was too.
More dinosaurs followed before heading to the Earth zone, I'm not quite sure what Chloe made of the Kobe Earthquake Experience but we finished our day by visiting the shop.
Chloe had walked for around four and a half hours with no complaints but it was time to head for home.
A couple of hours with Freya and Barry and Janette before we went out to eat, one beer with dinner, one on the return home before tiredly heading for bed at 10:45.
If I was tired I can only imagine how Chloe felt.

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