
By DevonDumpling

'Picnic in Arundel'

We met our daughter Kelly, son-in-law Martin, Thomas, Peter, Alex and Will at Swanbourne Lake in Arundel. (Sadly no Simon this time). We had a really long walk up to the top of Arundel hill, then down past the Castle and along the river back to the lake. Glorious weather, beautiful scenery and wild flowers everywhere. We had a pre Birthday Picnic for Martin and Peter who have birthday's next week but will be away. Chocolate cake..the candles wouldn't light as it was too breezy.

Late afternoon we had a game of Putting..took ages with 8 of us taking turns. I'm proud to say that I'm useless at it and came second to last. We completed the 18 holes then had ice creams and cups of tea at the 19th!

What a lovely day!

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