International day of the Cat.

No, I'm not a cat. 

But what I want to know is, when is there going to be an International Day of the Pomeranian Australanian?

I did think I would try and see what it feels like to be a cat, so I sat in Raj's basket.  It didn't help any.  I still don't know what it feels like. 

But just think - if I had an International day of me, I could get endless treats - I could do some gardening (fat chance today by the way, the weather is really bad again. Very windy); I could have tummy rubs on demand (I pretty well get that anyway, but it's a useful thing to have on a list of demands). 

What else could I have?

I know.  Roast Lamb.  Lots and lots of Roast lamb.

Now, who do I get to organise this?

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