
My mum fell over on Thursday night. Her back was hurting from the fall yesterday, but it was bearable. This morning she was in severe pain. It was awful. I almost had to carry her to the bathroom and we had to ring a doctor.

A nice lady doctor came a couple of hours later. She was worried too.

My mum is now on her way to the hospital to have her back checked. My dad came home and he is going with her. I have taken the dogs home and am now waiting for news.

Beat has been wonderful. When he realized that my mum was upset, he jumped up next to her and stayed by her side. He has slept next to her all night and stayed there all morning too. Of course Bridie was there too, but I had to lift her up - the bed is too high for her to jump up on.

Keep your fingers crossed for some good news.
Emmy and the Hazyland boys + Bridie

PS. Denmark won our first Olympic Gold Medal today. Mads Rasmussen and Rasmus Quist in Men's Lightweight Double Sculls.
Fie Erichsen won Silver in Women's Single Sculls. Well done oarsmen/woman!

Edit at 7.45: Good news from the hospital. Nothing is broken, so my mum has been given some pain medicine and has been allowed to go home.

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