
By CharlieBrown

Good Grief 211

God, I'm foul at the moment.
Reader ... avert your more information than you want follows...
It is official, this is definitely partly hormonal ... irrefutable evidence - I'm not sure if feeling quite so psychotically desperate as this is the menopausal norm but I'm going for the full version with knobs on ... why do things by half measures? I could jump in here with rocks attached. I could string myself up from the nearest yardarm. I could run screaming into the street in the middle of the night (no, maybe not, that's what my neighbours do - busy killing each other rather than themselves ... it would make for a lot carnage in a small village). It's a worry when being hung drawn and quartered feels like it could be the humane thing to do and it starts to be seen in a favourably welcoming warm glowing kind of light ... ah yes ... I can see it now ...there's the tortured entrails dripping bloody relief onto slippery cobbles ... and look ... over yonder, the head in fixed Munch-like scream ... Don't you just long for the days of a good long, medieval, lingering tormented, tortuous end ... stretched out for full appreciation of it's visceral agonies ... ah yes, I can feel the sigh of relief.
No wonder women got associated with madness and harpy mania.
I happily step forward to be banished. 
I know there's the whole Starhawk thing but I'm waiting for the wisdom bit ... I've obviously not managed the rites of entry to that bit yet...

Limped restlessly through another day at work on skimpy sleep again.
Ugh ....

Thoughts on boundaries ... I was looking at my plastic cup of water, the place where water becomes cup and the cup, water; the open window, where inside becomes outside and outside becomes inside ... where does that happen, exactly... and how?; the wall where the building ended, the bench where it sat on the ground, the paving where it gave way to grass, my skin where it becomes desk, my flesh where it becomes blood; where this person meets that person, where one becomes the other.
Is this where madness begins ....or ends ...?

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