
By Veronica

Big tent

This evening we drove along a narrow gorge deep in the Val de Dagne and then up a track to a converted barn on a hill. Catherine and Jean-Jacques were part of the movement of "bobos" (Bohemians) who moved here in the early 1970s to live alternative lifestyles. Most of them eventually gave up on the goat-keeping and cheese-making, but there are still a few stalwarts. Catherine and Jean-Jacques have been working with the Touaregs for decades, initially with MSF and later with their own association. One of their principal ways of raising funds is hosting meals at their house. I last went to one of them over a decade ago, but as we happened to be driving past last week we saw a poster for the event tonight and decided to go along.

It's a beautiful, remote spot with fabulous views; no complaints from the neighbours when you invite 160 people for dinner and follow it up with a Malian rock band on the terrace. Catherine cooks the entire meal in her kitchen, with help from willing volunteers. The whole event is very well organised; they set up tables under tents, trees, and draped fabric, and the hummus, marinated carrots and couscous were served quickly and efficiently. They were followed by mint tea and North African pastries also made by Catherine (she makes thousands every year and sells them at markets, along with Touareg jewellery). If you can read French there's an article about the association at this link (you'll have to cut and paste it because Blipfoto breaks inks with commas in them):

And see extra for their majestic friend who makes and sells jewellery.

The weather could have been a little warmer, but we wore plenty of clothes and it didn't rain. By sheer chance we were allocated to the same table as S and T, last seen in Ribaute, and bumped into a few other people we know as well, so it was another pleasantly sociable evening.

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