British Summer Time

Today was supposed to be the day that dad and I walked Ben More but, having kept a beady eye on the BBC weather app, we decided that an entire day of heavy rain wasn't the best day to try it. Rubbish.

A morning of editing and uploading wedding pictures that I've been meaning to do for ages and some steady progress on the book reading were good, but cabin fever set in this afternoon. Donning layers of waterproofs I set out to find our nearest Loch. It rained and it didn't stop raining but I walked and didn't stop walking until I found my Loch. Delighted. And much glee when I arrived home to find that my socks were still dry. Not sure when the excitement of having amazing walking shoes will fade.

The next two days have a similar forecast, and while I'm determined to do Ben More while I'm here, I'm not sure it will be worth it for a view of rainy clouds.

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