Day of the Op

Thank you for all your good wishes for Igor's heart operation. He was the first patient to go into surgery this morning so by 9:00am I was on a bus into Oxford to do a bit of shopping. I could tell you all about my adventures on this trip like meeting a millionaire saxophonist, buying expensive gym tights in "Sweaty Betty's" and about the grumpiest bus driver in Oxford but I'm guessing you just want to know how it went.

The operation took just over four and a half hours but the surgeon was very, very pleased with the outcome. He was hopeful that the ablation was successful which means no more debilitating heart drugs for Igor. It took him a little while to come round from the anaesthetic but when he did he was able to eat a hot meal and drink a cup of builders tea.

He's staying in tonight but the nurses were confident that he'll be ready to take home by lunchtime tomorrow.

It's been a very busy few days so apologies from both Igor and I for the lack of comments on blip. We both appreciate all of your comments and messages of support. There won't be a blip from Igor today but I'm sure he'll be back soon. Thank you all.

I was grateful Igor didn't end up like my blip of the day.

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