Don't seem to have taken many photos today. After a later than planned start we drove down the east coast a bit. Very built up and different feel round Alcudia. Lots of big hotels and alot of traffic.

So we drove away from all that and went to a really lovely beach at cala mesquida. It was pretty busy but the water was just perfect.

Tobes has become obsessed with tennis. He just wants to play constantly. He's gone from not being able to hit it much at all at the start of the week, to now barely missing it and doing back hand too! He also can't get enough to eat at the moment. After eating all his picnic at lunch we then had to go and buy him a huge Palma ham baguette from the beach bar which he demolished before we left. And he still ate his tea. We cooked at the apartment tonight for a change. Sat outside in our little garden. Lovely.

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