Our last day of what has been a truly fantastic holiday. I didn't expect to like Majorca as much as I have. I didn't expect the mountains or the crystal clear sea and white sand. I expected a slightly classier version of benidorm (from what i have seen of benidorm from the tv show!!). But the bits we visited are really unspoilt.

We had the day in Puerto pollensa. We got in the car and had some vague plan that we would go off somewhere again but rethought things and decided as we had a long journey home later it would be better to stay local. We had to be out of the apartment by 10 anyway so we had a little wander round and then went to see about hiring a sailing boat for an hour.

We got a little boat but Eva got frightened every time we had to tack as it was all a bit too much with the jib flapping about. It was pretty windy once we got out to sea a bit. I'm no sailor and Mike's directions "pull that one, no not that one that one" didn't help matters!! We had lots of tears so we only did about 45 mins in the end. Toby loved it, especially when the wind picked up and made the boat lean over. Probably the numerous people capsizing in the lighter version of our boat didn't help either.

We had a fabulous lunch right next to the beach (giant prawns for me-kids were appalled by the shells and legs and eyes etc). Then we had to try and shake off the sand and put on our jeans ready for the plane ride home. Delivered our fab little car back with no issues (Skoda citigo). Plane journey home was fine. Kids were brilliant again.

No matter how great a holiday we have, I always love coming back to our lovely little house. It always feels so welcoming and cosy and familiar. Unable to switch off so didn't go to bed till 1.30am!!

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