Run ....

.... over. Any ideas? Thanks to youoregon1 for keeping us on our abstracted toes!

What a day! In the field, literally by 10am, for a day of archaeology, lead by C. Remember we looked  at this place  last week on a recce for his possible project on vernacular architecture. Well, today we were up the mountain excavating!  The cabin he had chosen was almost entirely obscured by fuchsia and brambles apart from one gable end. Four of us got to work, two inside and two outside - lopping and hacking and throwing - not a trowel in sight!  Eventually we had cleared around the cabin outside and inside. It really was a very attractive and well built little place. Please see extra for a blow by blow account of things revealed: nice stone walls, posh corner quoins, little windows, two doors, a bit of whitewash.  We decided to see if any flagstones were still on the floor. TJ got out the mattock! Amazingly there were, and we came across what might be the original hearth and a fireback. The excitement! Tomorrow we shall go back (with trowels) and record everything under C's supervision. Apparently a family of 11 once lived here.

Gorgeous day. Sadly the weather up in Ullapool where Himself is doing his art course is pretty atrocious.  He was Mr Grumpy this morning but yesterday he did some wonderful work so hopefully that will recompense.  

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