Number 22
My Dear Fellow,
I took this while waiting for the 22 at the top of Lothian Road, looking at all the grumpy Slack people heading in to work early.
I did my best to look very busy and efficient today, but actually achieved very little. I am quite sure I am not the only person who does this. In fact, I have never worked at an organisation where people seem to run so fast and get so nowhere.
Every time I start work on something I make the basic assumption that things, as they stand, must make sense. I am invariably told, "No. We've never had that," or "Oh yes, we asked for that, but ran out of money."
Today I was asking about what happens and who gets told when things go wrong. Blank looks. And then what happens when things get fixed again, how do let everyone know the fix has been applied, I asked. Crickets.
It's not like I am ultra-competent, but I feel like I'm working with The Lollipop League recently. And they're sucking on the stick end.
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