Alfred Stieglitz (1864-1946)
Cyflwynodd ffrind gwaith Alfred Stieglitz i mi ac ers hynny dw i ddim wedi edrych ar gymylau i mewn yr un ffordd. Roedd Alfred Stieglitz un o arloeswyr ffotograffiaeth. Roedd e'n un o'r bobl gyntaf i weld ffotograffiaeth fel ffurf celf. Rhwng 1924 a 1935 tynnodd e gyfres o ffotograffau o gymylau o dan yr enw 'Equivalents'. Roedden nhw enghreifftiau cyntaf o ffotograffiaeth haniaethol. Nawr pan dw i'n gweld cymylau, dw i'n meddwl am Alfred Stieglitz.
A friend introduced me to the work of Alfred Stieglitz and since then I have not looked at the clouds in the same way. Alfred Stieglitz was one of the pioneers of photography. He was one of the first people to see photography as an art form. From 1924 in 1935 he took a series of photographs of clouds under the name 'Equivalents'. They were the first examples of abstract photography. Now, when I see clouds I think of Alfred Stieglitz.
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