Just the Withers......

By JaneW

My favourite city..

Not that I'm biased or anything ;-)
This church is Saint Martins at the bullring .. Back in world war 2 they removed the main stained glass windows ... Less than 48 hours after that a bomb was dropped on the church !! Talk about timing .. I mean you would obviously not want the bomb dropped but at least they saved the posh windows .

The statue is Nelson in a miniature ship,not a true likeness of his ship as he would never have even made it to the Isle of Wight in that !!

Lucy had her braces fitted today (teeth,not to hold her trousers up) and she has this special wax stuff to stop bits rubbing inside her mouth .. You are meant to take it out when you eat and when you go to bed .. She realised after we had eaten out that she had in fact swallowed her wax ... I can't imagine anything dire occurring but it made her laugh ...

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