
By LadyPride

Living or surviving?

Today felt like our first relaxed family weekend. We managed 8 hours of broken sleep last night which made us both feel fantastic today (we're easily pleased these days).

After bacon sarnies and fresh coffee, we headed out for a walk with the pram in the sunshine, stopping off for lunch at a new cafe on Chorlton called Spoon. It was lovely.

This afternoon we headed up to the farm to see my parents (Dad pictured looking adoringly at Audrey as usual) and pop in on our Aunt and cousins.

My cousin has a little girl called Violet who is 16 months old. She's such a cutie and it was lovely to see what we have to look forward to as she was an absolute delight, pottering around, amusing herself and giggling. I don't want to wish the next 14 months away but I am so looking forward to the toddler stage.

After Audrey's bath, I finished the day in my pyjamas (again) with a glass of red wine and my book. Last week my sister asked if we had stopped "surviving" and were "living" again. At the time, I answered "almost" but if today is anything to go by, we might...just might be living again.....

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