Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

Waiting for someone...

Been a busy day. Ok, not entirely true. Two of us fell asleep in front of the TV after lunch. A thunderstorm woke us up which was a bit unexpected. This morning was lots of running about doing bits and bobs that needed doing after a couple of weeks away. Jonathan started football training again and Jamie slept, and slept and slept. Oh what it would be like to be a teenager again!

The rain this afternoon prevented any outdoor activities, especially as the nuerotic dog wont stray far from underneath the chair when its thundering within earshot. Instead, I did a bit of reading on photoshop and finished the work on the holiday pics.

So, today's blip is close to home. In fact its the garden bench in the back garden just a few feet from where I am typing this journal. It is slowly being engulfed in weeds and unwanted growth from bushes that I had tried to remove last year - clearly without success. Think I keep this as a reminder that I must spend a bit of time out there doing some tidying up.

Its a shame that the summer has been so poor. This spot gets the last of the evening sun at this time of year, but it hasn't been used so far this year. Hopefully sometime soon we can sit out with a glass of wine or three.

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