
The sixth one arrived not along after this. In a rare mellow moment days before, probably as I was eating chocolate, she had said "Can I have my friends round to stay?", "Yes" I replied. "Six of us?" "Aha".

Like I said, I was probably eating chocolate. Just before they arrived one of the Mum's messaged me, "Are you sure you volunteered to take 6 hormonal girls overnight?" Another said they would send round the traditional parental intervention tranquilliser darts at 4am. I started thinking maybe I should be worried...and yes, I admit it, when I left to take the dogs out, looked up and saw them attempt to get on the roof to listen to music (the over 100 year old badly maintained pitched at a right angle roof) I did think, holy crap, what have I let myself in for and they've only just arrived. So obviously I rained on that particular parade immediately.

But nah, they were fine, the usual lazy sleepover host parent fare of pizza and ice cream was devoured, and I got brownie points for the cream and marshmallows on top (even though Dave had had the foresight to buy such provisions...should I be worried he thinks like a teenage girl??).

Speaking if the hairy contingent, I'd sent Dave and Sam to see Star Trek at the cinema to keep them surfing just ahead of the hormonal wave...let's face it, teenage girls always like to annoy their pals' older brother, it's like a safe place opportunity to practice their (mostly not very impressive or epic) boy banter).

Anyways, no biggie, I survived it all unphased, unperturbed, laid back, even when they arrived back drookit from a mad forest dash.......until about 1am, when the ear busting strains and elephantine foot thumps of just dance's "You're the one that I want" from Grease turned me from a passive force for good into an unhinged bed headed sleep deprived loon "get that off now and get to your beds!". Which they did, and after a wee bit more chin wagging, silence. But , as I asked Tess the very next morning when all but one lass had left, "How did it go, did you have fun?" The main thing is she said, "Yep, it was really good". So then, job done.

So here is Anne Harrid, Daisy, Eve, Fiona, Tess (and Poppy arriving stage right soon after). I was going to think of squad names for them but then I remembered....I'm nearly 44years old and I don't actually have a scoobie what squad goals are. But actually, when I come to think of it, I've got my own squad....

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