La Rochelle

Feeling somewhat refreshed, we tackled the ride to La Rochelle – down to the eastern end of the island and over the 3km ‘Pont de Re’ onto the mainland before the slightly more scary, ‘urban’ cycle into the centre of town. We had a wander round the harbour, perused the ramparts, had a café au lait and came back, pausing only to take photos of the bridge and to stop at La Flotte for the inevitable ice cream. Another 30-odd miles but surprisingly little moaning from the kids this time – perhaps we’re finally hardening them up. Then it was back to the beach to enjoy some particularly powerful breakers – enough to knock you off your feet at times, and full of toppled bodyboarders, but a lot of fun nonetheless. Beck and I even took off alone later on to cycle to Las Bois for an aperitif before our evening sausage and salad…

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