An incredible strength radiated this champion weightlifter. And somehow she did not seem impressed with her achievement. It comes naturally she said, when asked. At a young age she had been surprised by the power of gravity. She had experienced fun lifting a nut just a bit too heavy.
And from there it had developped steadily, this lifting of objects.
From what country you are, had been my next question.
I seldom see birds like you flying freely.
A tear appeared in her big eyes. I have come from a country far away from here. I was stolen from my parents. Put in a box and landed in a house where a family lived that laughed at me.
Somehow they expected me to learn their language and although I did my very best, I only learned two or three words and no sentences at all.
After some time they wanted to get rid of me and luckily I was rescued and can live now a rather comfortable life.
I feel cherished, feed well. In summer I may live outside in an enormous cage, and in winter when it is very cold outside I have inside a pretty home.
I felt happy to be chosen for the competition, but had no idea who the other competitors would be. It turned out that they were all friendly, but someone had to be the best and now it is obvious that it is me.
She closed her eyes and I sneaked away, leaving her resting.
Not far from her I found another parrot dreaming and show the portrait in the extra ph.

Heartely thanks to dbifulco for hosting the Alternative Olympic Games 2016.

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