Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Olympic blunder

What a day.  The morning broke muggy but tolerable, so your intrepid AOG reporter scurried out to Olympic Stadium to see what the athletes were up to.  Team Hummie was racing around the Stadium, doing mind-blowing maneuvers, led by their star, P-Hummie.  P had just completed a very artistic Sky Dance routine and was taking a well deserved bow ...when the unthinkable happened.  Yes, I'm afraid he neglected to pee before the event and apparently just couldn't hold it.  Talk about humiliating!  Although they tried to hide it, the other hummers were all snickering behind their wings.  P flew off to sulk while Jezwent to see if there were any new cats on the milkweed and P-Junior went to try the new Scabiosa Bar and Grille.

The bees and flies were all busy today practicing pollen snogging and speed-nectaring.  We expect the first round of eliminations tomorrow, so tensions are running high.  And, we had a wonderful surprise appearance by two of the reigning divas from Team Great Golden Digger Wasp!  They had both come to the arena to check on their nurseries and Snazzy let me take a few pics along with a quick interview in between her excavation duties.  I'm hoping they will stay around for some of the snogging and nectaring competitions.

Teams Squirrel and Chippie were surprisingly quiet today, although the day is far from over...  Team Titmouse was auditioning for the singing gig at the Closing Ceremonies, but unless they improve significantly, they don't have a shot.  My money is on either Team Mourning Dove or Team Goldfinch.  

Meanwhile, several members of Team Monarch Cat are petitioning me to have a second round of competition for Chrysalis-formation.  Number 10, that little go-getter, is getting into position at the top of his enclosure, preparing to J if I give the word.  So, what do you all think?  Should I let them have another round?

Please consider joining in on the AOG fun if you haven't already done so.  The Games are mostly for wild things, but you'll also see some domestic pets and stuffed creatures and even some flora competing.  It's all great fun and if you need some inspiration - or just some big laughs, click AOG12 for today's entries

Debbi, signing off from the NJ AOG Stadium...

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