Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Taking it Easy

I bought a turntable a few months back and have been hitting the charity shops ever since.  I now have a decent collection of country blues and 60s/70s rock that keeps me very happy in the man room.

We have just had the conservatory concerted into an extension of our front room, a place for Mrs H to work and chill.....and she liked the idea of vinyl as part of that experience.  So I got a system sorted out for her and it came yesterday.  It's way better than the one I got myself and sounds wonderful.  Well, it would if she played any decent music on it!!!!!!  She has sought out some Eighties stuff......and I argue that it's pointless as listening to that pop crap music on vinyl as a media is irrelevant.  She disagrees. Ah well.  

I think that I'll be sneaking in the Pink Floyd and Eagles to give the record player a treat every now and again.

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