As in, we must have been nuts to buy this place... Finally, after five years, a degree of civilisation has arrived on the second floor. In the form of carpets (two, anyway). And also some curtains (not on windows, obvs). Today was mainly for me a day of hauling dirt out of the top floor, resulting in some interesting asthma symptoms later in the day (those dust masks are clearly not up to the job of keeping out 30 years' worth of bat poo, owl poo and other general droppings and dust.)
But progress is pleasing, and the kids are delighted that we are making progress on what (I think) we have decided to call the Common Room. There was a brief vogue for JCR, but the kids looked too bemused, so we've toned our snobbery down a little for them. Anyway, a room that will one day be hospitable with a sofa, ping pong, table football and a fridge, is a large leap further along the way.
Though I think scraping lichen off a window was definitely the low point.
There were other happenings, but in backblip mode, it's the dust that sticks in my mind (and many other places). And on a day when I didn't dare take any technology to the dusty place where I was working, you have a coconut. All will become clearer at the end of the week.
This was I think the night Mr B had a health scare that I reassured him would turn out to be nothing and, happily, has turned out to be nothing. Not much sleep though for anyone.
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