This morning I had a fabulous blip meet with another blipper, her hubbie and their beautiful baby. Its strange meeting someone who you have never met before but who knows all about you life. It was really great to enjoy a stroll around the park in the sunshine and share a cuppa. Baby L was an absolute star and her giggles kept us entertained. The Rev was even able to sneak out and join us briefly too.

Then I went to meet Nicky who said she wanted to take me out for lunch/afternoon tea....however after walking the mile to hers in the heat we thought we'd enjoy a cuppa in her garden but the kettle never got boiled but a bottle got opened instead....just as we slurped the last drop my friends daughter came home and kindly made a jug of Pimms!!!! oh dear oh dear....can't say much more!!!!

J and K came over this evening and are staying for the weekend.....luckily I think I persuaded all it was a touch of sunstroke!!!!ssshhhhh!!

224/366.....a chance to put a face to a name and develop a new blip friendship....thank you J it was great.

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