The Wheels of the Bus Go Round and Round...

Last night was spent near Hull in a Travel Lodge with all the allure and luxury of something one might have found in the Eastern Bloc decades ago.
Allied to this was the little matter of the muck spreader having been very active on the adjoining fields. The smell is still in my nose.

To confound matters, the adjacent Little Chef restaurant shut at 5pm, which meant our diet for the evening was dependent on the largesse of the filling station.

Things have hardly improved today with 9 hours and counting on the bus to Portsmouth and only one stop at the Watford Gap with a selection of the above.
Still France is on the horizon and the meals can only get better.

Much angst was engendered during the journey with 3G not delivering my photo to Blipfoto which resulted in a flat camera battery and no means of restoring it until I get on the ferry.

Edit: I can't see any plugs for charging on the ferry, so there will be no phone until Niort

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