Be always selective

*Kind of annoyances; don't anymore go out (ever) with a plumber,  a chef et cetera or such a (dull) person because you can understand what they do, but they have no even little ability to understand you, and they who says I don't have time to read books.*

*Don't ever show you writings or any creative to the wrong audience. The shaft between you and others are much more deeper than you have imagined. Don't ever feel guilty about your feelings.*  Fortunately there is always a world of literature when you can go and be safe and like at home, such like in a J Haahtela's world.

I made couple of writings, and I'm happy, that's all, just like one of a finnish poet L. Viita said in some if his poem. Oh, I have cleaned one window already today and the food is in an oven, if this kind of sides are worth of noticing....

"I don't see a clear boundary between my reality and that of image..."

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