A rural life for me

By Rhubarrb


As you may know, my view usually includes Belted Galloway cows. Not just any herd, but one of the very first herds. The Mochrum herd which are world famous. The farm that appears in my "from the front doorstep" blips is where the cows are from. A number of years ago, our lovely neighbour John who tended the cows (with real love and care) died of a sudden heart attack. It was very very sad.
His wife still lives in the farmhouse but the cows are now looked after a lovely lady called Helen. Who is equally in love with these gorgeous stripy, fluffy cows. She is also an artist and has become quite well known.
I have been desperate to own my own Ryman original and this year I got one!
I love these 3. From left to right they are Jean, Caroline and Lilac. The Lilac line often win at the big shows and are very well known in the Beltie world.
I particularly like this picture as the Blue grey Galloways that live in the field next to us often hang over our dyke being nosey, just like these 3. So this is such a familiar sight to us.

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