Lisa's life...

By lisa24270


A brilliant day and it's not over yet.

Very large dollop of artistic licence for this prompt but sweat's salty right? There was definite sweat on the colour dash this morning, not from me of course, I just glow! 

Such good fun, I think everyone had a fab time. My knees complained on the hilly bits but other than that I think my whole group did really well as we came in all shapes and sizes. I may be showing the most dramatic weight loss (though none of the girls knew me before) but I'm certainly not the fittest. 2 of them ran it. I don't do running, though I did break into a mild jog to cross the finish line :) 

Hopefully lots of money raised for a good cause.

Stella and I have been geocaching this afternoon and now I have to get ready for birthday drinks with more Meetup people. I don't think I went out this much before I was ill! 

A quiet day required tomorrow I think. 

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