Kitchen Cove, 13.21, 13.08.16

Hectic morning tidying up and did you know today is St Fachtna's Feast Day? Maybe not - the new blog entry will explain all!

Then on to the third and final day digging up on the hill.Serious cleaning up being done by us diggers while C recorded all details. We cleaned back our sontage (test pit), admired the flags, noted where broken ones had been repaired with a mixture of plaster and stones, speculated whether there had a been a clevy -a kind of inglenook, removed the hearth stones carefully, cleaned the fireback and couldn't help but feel that old Paddy was having a good laugh at all this activity in his kitchen! We felt quite sad to leave but repaired to Arundels for a pint. So beautiful was the evening and so spectacular the view that we stayed for supper and another pint.  All this archaeology gives you an appetite!

A quick stop off at Kitchen Cove - a bit of excitement. A tractor was running on the beach - no one in the cab. A new pillar had been made and new sand brought in, hence all the tyre patterns.

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