Hanging out

We have a few hours to kill here in Dubai on our way to Dublin…..looking out the windows the city is shrouded in haze, I can just make out the outlines of the skyscrapers in the far distance.  
A fantastic airport – we can’t leave the airport as we are in transit, but plenty to do and see.  I’ve wandered around taking a few pictures, we’ve eaten (complimentary) and mooched around a few shops – retail therapy isn’t on my list.  I was admiring the murals on the tiled walls, could see potential with having this bloke there, phone watching and stretching.
The seventeen hour flight from Auckland to Dubai was easier than I had hoped. I was quite nervous about the hours, but we slept for 5 or so hours (yay for the sleeping pill), watched a couple of movies, were fed and watered too much – no wonder Emirates are one of the best airlines in the world.  I can’t speak highly enough of them….tons of leg room too.
Next stop Dublin :)


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