
By BikerJim

~A Sunset In Retrograde~

~Or Looking Backwards~

Sometime it is better to look where you have been. So often in life we are concerned with what lays ahead of us. When your young you don't have much choice but to look forward, because there isn't that much to look back on. But as you get older, the past becomes more elongated and begins to fill more of your life. By extension, the future becomes less important and contains less of your life. That may seem somewhat distressing, but let not your heart be trouble. For the future is uncertain and the past is set. So through all your life live well, love all, and strive to be good. If you do this you will have few regrets and abundant joy.

I was photographing the sunset this evening and loving every minute of its beauty. But I had a strange feeling come over me, a presence was around me, but what? Was a wild animal creeping up behind me, a rattle snake slithering in my direction, and unseen observer wanting to do me harm?

I turned around prepared to protect my well-being. I'm always on my guard when alone in the desert at dusk, my free hand already moving in the direction of my sidearm. Well no harm was near, but look at that reverse sunset! Sometimes its better to look at whats behind you instead of whats in front of you. I'll try and remember this lesson, not only in the real world, but in the world that matters.

Hey thanks for stopping by tonight, TucsonJim ;o)

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