Abbey Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Tewkesbury

We took the bus via Cheltenham to Tewkesbury as there are no direct buses from Gloucester on Sundays.  Lovely weather!  We had a fine time together walking around.  I kept going to the loo -- too much lovely tea, so I tried not to drink much the whole day.

What a lovely abbey this is!  As usual, we visit these things purely for aesthetic purposes.  As usual, as well, we talk about what these buildings were at the time, and still are, for some people -- seats of power.  They look as magnificent as palaces and the best seats were for the wealthy who were promised eternal life.  We looked at the lavish tombs, the ornate ceiling, the lighting, and so on ... how the poor must have been taxed, and heavily, to pay for these magnificent structures.  Some might say that money was given willingly and we say that those in power abused these gifts.  Oh well ... but it was a pretty place, to be sure.  I've included two extras.

Dinner in Cheltenham, the bus back to Churchdown, then the mile-long walk back to the B&B.  Our hosts are shocked that we do not mind walking this distance and we have assured them that we even enjoy it.

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