After and before version... rather than the intended opposite, but with only a couple of minutes until midnight, I wasn't going to try and fix it.
Once the forecast rain arrived, about noon, a mega scanning session of those old slides commenced. Finished off most of the small box, but haven't dared to count how many more are in the untouched bigger box. Will have to clear some space on the computer before scanning any more! A handful of the first ones done will need scanned again... User error.
Considering their age, from 1955 or '56, they're in quite good condition. Unfortunately the majority have started to degrade in random places, and are covered in areas that appear like pink spots, or bigger splodges, where this is happening. Can sort of mask out the majority of them, or make them far less intrusive, but it takes a lot of time working your way around (over) 5000 x 5000 pixel images viewed at 100 percent. Had initially been scanning them at up 7000 x 7000, but the computer (and my sanity) was struggling with those, after a mass of pink dot removal.
The subjects here are, back row: my very young mother (before I and older siblings were born!); auntie Betty; and Joy More.
Front row: Uncle Duke, my also very young father, and "Dinty" More. All in the RAF, and in Singapore. Don't know who took the picture, but it was well focused, unlike a good few others! Still good memories for my now aged folks, and causing a bit of surprise an intrigue from their grandchildren.
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