Annie and Chris

By AnnieAndChris

An Eve-ning in London

We had a trip into London because it is my (Annie's) birthday-eve.

We started with a trip round the BBC Television Centre in Wood Lane - an iconic building in British television. It was great - nosing behind the scenes at studios and walking down corridors peering into offices. Nerdy fun. It's such a shame that the BBC are withdrawing from the building - it was still being used, but significantly quiet.

Next we took a bus to Westminster and walked to Smithfield market to go for dinner. En route, we played "Spot the Olympic Car", as so many logoed Olympic BMWs drove past. We craned into the cars, but didn't recognise any Bradleys or Usains being transported.

Dinner was delicious - at Smiths of Smithfield, on their roof terrace. The views across the London skyline were fabulous. The changing light and reflections on the Shard kept us entertained throughout.

Finally, Chris had booked us onto a Champagne "flight" on the London Eye. For 2 weeks it's open at night and the views of the lit up city were incredible. Great to see the horse guards parade stadium nestled in between the historic buildings.

Walking back to the bus, we were captivated by a slide show about Team GB being projected (with sound) onto the Houses of Parliament: Chris' blip for today. It summed up the feeling as we walked along the whole Southbank: London was a buzzing, vibrant and proud city and somewhere that the visitors were very happy to be. We both felt very proud.

Finally, an enormous well done to Team GB - so many medals! Super Saturday, indeed! I have to admit I started by not being too interested in the Olympics as I don't normally like watching sport, but you have me hooked. There, I've said it. :)

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