Sally Hart

By rosiecatwoman

Mr & Mrs Sparra

Early morning feed for this pair, tucking in. The skies started blue here, but had gone grey by 8am.
I managed to get myself to the pool  : at last. Must be well over a year since I could face getting into the cold water of the university pool. BUT, the were having techie problems with the pool floor and had engineers there trying to fix it. They had no idea when it would be open again !!. So, having got to that side of the city went to Waitrose and bought a load of good food. I'll have another go with swimming later in the week.

For those of you  who enjoy Seamus Heaney,here's  his 'St Francis and the Birds'
         When Francis preached love to the birds,
         They listened, fluttered, throttled up
          Into the blue like a flock of words

         Released for fun from his holy lips.
         Then wheeled back, whirred above his head,
         Pirouetted on brothers' capes,

         Danced on the wing for sheer joy
         And sang, likes images took flight.
         Which was the best poem Francis made,

         His argument true, his tone light.  

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