
Team GBB were looking forward to their sailing challenge today.  Their start was delayed as their boat was not quite ready (KG kindly sorted this out for them)  They were doing really well and the water was very calm.  Suddenly a gust of wind took their boat into the side and although the boat didn't capsize some of the bunnies fell in.  See extras.  They were hurriedly rescued and put into the sunshine to dry out.  I hope they are recovered  for tomorrows event.

On a personal note :-  a quite day did Tesco shopping and then pottered at home until it was time to pick up KG.  Lunch in the garden again  and then on the computer.  I have got photoshop partly back but can't open my raw files - bother.

Very hot today and not much wind about apart from the gust that toppled the bunnies!!

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