A Peep Thru the Pinhole

By Brian1943

No Entry?

Scene today in Bridgnorth, Shropshire, a lovely town about 14 miles up-stream from Bewdley, on the River Severn. I have extras taken here today, but no time to upload them right now. Hope to do so ASAP.
I like Bridgnorth now, but I sure wasn't enamoured with it in 1961. Let me explain: I joined the Royal Air Force in January of that year, and my nine weeks recruit training (Square-Bashing!!) took place at RAF Bridgnorth, a now defunct base and currently a light industry site.  On the rare occasions we were allowed to go into town there were severe restrictions placed upon us and we always had to be in uniform. The RAF Police were constantly on patrol and would zap an unsuspecting recruit for the most minor of offences, And, there were so many pubs/hotels in the High Street that we, as recruits, were forbidden to enter, under pain of dire punishment. Oh well, I guess all that crap knocked us into shape - but I still unwittingly look, out of the corner of my eye, for the RAF Police with their blue uniforms and white-topped peaked caps, walking - always in pairs - along the street and saying to some poor unsuspecting rookie "You've gone far enough". As we overheard that  phrase, or its equivalent, we wondered what heinous sin the poor victim had unwittingly been guilty of and what dire punishment awaited him.
Bridgnorth is much nicer these days, 55 years on.
7 EXTRAS added Friday 19th August, showing various views of Bridgnorth.

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