Drunk on Clouds

By oncloud9

Cathedral of Junk

Today I went to the Cathedral of Junk here in Austin.

It's this massive....cathedral of stuff the owner has collected and amassed in his back yard - spires, vaulted ceilings, and observation decks constructed of bicycles, old dolls, televisions, car doors, and concrete. This is a view of what I like to call the "Throne Room." It's a mosaic tiled, concrete chair surrounded by shiny trinkets underneath a chandelier of old glass bottles.

You drive up to his house, and unless you knew where you were going, you wouldn't necessarily know there is a huge pile of junk in his backyard. You just walk through his fence and roam around and climb on everything. You wouldn't think it would hold people climbing all over it, but it is surprisingly sturdy. Not once did I feel it wobble or sway. It feels weird being in a stranger's back yard - but after a while this jungle of plastic and metal becomes a beautiful piece of art. You get sucked in trying to figure out what each individual piece is, and end up spending an hour just LOOKING.

A very good definition of ordered chaos.

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