Boats and Ben Mor Coigach
I dropped Apothecary7 off at Bridge House Art about 9am. First to arrive as usual. Another student arrived just as I was leaving. The artists are having a trip to Achiltibuie today. Painting to be done on the grass behind the stony beach with views to the Summer Isles. Apothecary7 was thinking of including Tanera Mor in her work ... we shall see. On the beach there are some decaying boats and "the big balls" (huge floats/buoys) which are rusting and decaying nicely.
Maeve the Deerhound and I went to Ardmair. The MV Loch Seaforth came in through the Summer Isles and made its way into Loch Broom. We watched it sail along then had our wander along the back of the beach and round through the caravan site to visit the little stone pier and enjoy the view of Ben Mor Coigach. There was a lovely cool breeze round at that side of the bay today so we stood out at the end of the pier for a while. Then we walked back to the car and I decided to come back to Ullapool.
I parked by the house then Maeve and I walked down to the ferry terminal. The ferry was just about to leave so we went along the road to the little pebble beach by the Arch Inn and watched. I took some pictures as it left the pier and made the turn out round the headland. Since we were not far from The Ceilidh Place we went there and Maeve kept the table we had on Monday while I went in to order Cappuccino and a scone. There was a parasol at our table for shade and a big bowl of water for dogs. Maeve studiously ignored it as she always does with water bowls provided by shops and cafes. I gave her two little bits of scone.
After coffee we went down to Shore Street and wandered along. We came back along Argyll Street looking for pictures. I like the little lanes that go between the two streets. Apothecary7 made a tall narrow drawing of one of them on last year's course. We came back to the house. Maeve drank some fresh water from her own bowl. The she went down to the other end of the hall where it is cooler and lay there. I had some lunch.
After a while when I would normally go back to Ardmair Maeve was still lying in her cool shady place in the hall, so I decided we would have an afternoon at the house. I sat out in the garden with my book, Runrig (The Story, Mara, and The Big Wheel) on the iPod and a cood drink or two. Maeve came out looking for me after 3.30pm and lay on the lawn but soon went back inside. I don't blame her, the data from the nearest Met Office station to Ullapool has the temperature this afternoon at 24.8C. She reappeared at 4.40pm and seemed happier with the temperature then.
I went to collect Apothecary7 from Bridge House Art at 5pm. No sign of anyone so I went back to the house.
I went back at 6pm and found Apothecary7 just arrived from the outing. Just about to phone me ... apparently.
We went back to the house, then made a quick visit to the supermarket for cold things for dinner.
E-PL5 f/8 1/320 sec. ISO-200 14mm
1. Sunset over the Summer Isles (Tue)
2. Beinn Ghobhlach from Ardmair
3. The Pier Ardmair
4. MV Loch Seaforth leaving Ullapool
5. Lane, Ullapool
6. Lane, Ullapool
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